This was one of our first Ads in Applied Arts magazine. A great design and media magazine. We are "Big fans of..." of Applied Arts Magazine. We encourage you to pick up a magazine or one of the annuals and visit them online. www.appliedartsmag.com
The same but different.
We’re the same as everyone else. We’ve got the standard stuff – handshakes, shiny apples and smiling kids. We even have a dull name.
Then, well, you notice something different. Our images are technically perfect. Each one is carefully colour corrected and edited. All logos are removed without a trace. There’s never a flaw, ever. And then you see the price – totally reasonable. And the images are all model released. No residual costs. That’s different.
You also notice that our shooters are not thinking like photographers. Nope. We’re designers and art directors. We think like you. We’ve been in your shoes. Then you discover some of our work that’s off the beaten track. It’s really different.
You start seeing how our images really get at the heart of your creative process. They stimulate your mind and body. They help you conjure up and complete whole campaigns.
Suddenly you realize how different we really are.
So that was the write up. It was certainly different than all the other corporate mumbo jumbo that the other companies were pitching.... Funny thing is they are all making money... we aren't. Maybe we should be more business and less passion? But then we totally would be the same... we like to be different.
To each his/her own.