Hey we didn't come up with the name. In fact we spent some serious time online trying to figure out why the name was what it was. We did figure it out but figured it is like an Easter Egg hunt for those intrested. Now, regardless of the name, this bunny movie... not that it has anything to do with Easter was an amazing masterpiece in animation. The bunnies are pretty darn cute for military special forces unit. You must go watch this video... It is all in Japanese and probably one of the best 3D trailers I've ever seen in a while. It has some bunnies in it so we consider it festive enough to add to the list of "Big fans of..." Easter edition. Seriously I've probably watched it like 10 times. Still can't get over the small subtle details. Brilliant.
The company that created it can be found at www.studioanima.co.jp
The best part that we just figured out today is that USAGI is "Bunny" in Japanese.... Put all the words together with a space in English and we get USA G.I. We thougth that was pretty cool... yea we are geeks. We admit it.