These little spiked Cacti are the new celebrity pricks on the block.... well, not really. But they could have been. They still could be if you plan to use these wicked Stock Archive "Cactus images" for your own glory. We encourage you to do so. Make us proud. Show us what you've done with them when your done. We'd love to see your magic.
Sadly due to the art of perfection, a personal project submission by one of our staff from www.victoryarts.com tried, but never made the entry deadline for a Doritos contest http://www.doritosguru.ca/home. While it was uploaded a half hour before the entry deadline it seems the file never made the website. Oh well, we snooze we loose. Good for you though. You get some of the great Cactus images for free from our Archive. There are 20 wicked photos waiting for you at www.Stock-Archive.com and also some inspiration to go along with it.
We figured that we'd showcase his submission on our blog to at least give some people some ideas on how some of these great stock photos could be used in your own project. It would also give the creator the satisfaction of having his concept be seen by someone other than his own mother. So, if there are any lessons here... don't "TRY" just "DO". ( "Trying is the first step to failure!") And, don't leave things to the last minute... also, stop being such a damn perfectionistic prick ( a pun ;) and just finish your work so people can actually see the amazing work you do. Crazy creative people. You are all the same. Not really a bad thing. We respect perfectionists, attention to detail and yes we love creative people like you. We are just bitter that we missed a fun opportunity and spent $100 bucks on stinky cheese, two bags full of chili peppers and 30 cactus plants. The stinky cheese.... not that bad.
End Rant.
We now have over 1750 free promotional images available to pre-registered users. Once we launch we will have over 60,000 images, illustrations, motion, audio and flash elements to choose from. Our loyal pre-registered users will get amazing promotional offers once the site launches. To pre-register, go to www.Stock-Archive.com