This is no April Fool's day joke, in fact it is called "April Fuel's Day" Open house Job fair. If you are not working at Fuel already you should be. If your in jail... break out and bring your portfolio and resume to this event. Heck If I wasn't running my own company I'd be in first at the door for a job with this amazing company. Fuel has the best talented designers, programmers and project managers from across Canada, the United States and other global countries. We are "Big fans" of Fuel Industries. A leader in Branded entertainment and mobile gaming. Seriously you should have stopped reading this blog at the second line and just clicked the link to get the info and go to the Job fair. Heck I just told my own staff to go apply for a job there. My fingers are crossed that they won't but why should I stand in the way of an amazing opportunity. It is nice to see that in these troubled times there is a company doing amazing stuff and hiring people when others are just letting them go. Good on ya Fuel!
So seriously... why are you still reading this blog... click the damn link already! www.fuelindustries.com