Probably the shortest contest in the world! Maybe the smallest contest in the world. All we need is “at least” one person to enter. More the better for sure! But, we only got one prize to pass out. We have one spare FITC pass left and thought we’d “Share the love…” and pass-the-pass to one of our members. But first you gotta “Share the love…” back to us.
The Prize = 1 pass to FITC in Toronto this April 25 -29, 2009.
[ More info about FITC > http://www.fitc.ca/event_detail.cfm?festival_id=79 ] (Note the fancy video we produced for FITC last year on the page)
Since the event is in two weeks and is in Toronto, Ontario, Canada that probably just narrowed down the contestants down to members who live near the city of Toronto as you’ll need to pay for your own transportation, accommodation, food and drinks and pretty much everything except the FITC Pass from Stock Archive Inc.
So what we want is one winner…. lots of entries. The winner gets a free pass to FITC 2009 in Toronto. Any submissions that do not win the pass will receive our thanks and gratitude for entering.
Terms and Conditions for entry:
1. Participants MUST either register or already be a registered member of Stock Archive Inc., Upon Registration you must agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy on the website www.Stock-Archive.com. Once registered you will have access to the elements for this contest and thousands of other Royalty-Free stock elements at no cost as part of our promotional giveaway that you can use for other projects.
You MUST ONLY use this weeks free images only. (See Page 72 of the Stock Archive Promotional website > www.Stock-Archive.com). Design and assemble a cool scene using the elements supplied. We’ve pasted a sample of the elements below (actual files are all Vector).

2. You CAN re-colour, duplicate or modify the supplied stock elements. You MAY do anything with the elements to create the final setting as part of your submission.
3. You CANNOT create or use any other custom built elements, fonts, or third party stock photos, illustrations or clipart other than what is on Page 72 of Stock Archive Promotional website.
4. You CAN use a generic background colour of your choice as made in Adobe Illustrator.
5. File submission must be an Adobe Illustrator and saved as an EPS. (Please compress as ZIP file if possible.)
Adobe Illustrator: File size 8.5 X 11 (Letter) size. Either Horizontal or Vertical.
Send all submission entries to info@stock-archive.com
Be sure to have your full name, Phone number and web link (If any) as we may post the name and web link with the selected finalist submissions on the Stock-Archive.com promo site.
6. You AGREE that all submissions become the property of Stock Archive Inc., in perpetuity. You release and transfer all copyright to the layout to Stock Archive Inc. regardless of it being the winning entry or not. Submitting your entry is your agreement to these Terms and Conditions. All or selected submissions become part of the Stock-Archive.com asset archive. At Stock Archive Inc’s own discretion we will upload all or selected submissions to the Stock-Archive.com promotional website and have it as part of our weekly “Free” content give away for other creative people to view, download and use. “Share the love…”
7.You AGREE that you will not be paid or compensated for your submission. (The prize is a giveaway. One finalist will selected by our judge and will receive the One FITC pass that we have the discretion to give as a prize.)
8. Stock Archive Inc. can modify, edit or amend the final artwork after the contest at its own discretion.
9. Credit for the layout will only be limited to the free promotional website and possibly in the Stock-Archive.com blog. Stock Archive Inc. will not be required or obligated to credit or list the name or organization of the layout(s) after the FITC event.
10. You CAN submit as many times under the same name provided the submissions vary in nature and style.
11. If your submission is considered the winner (as selected by our judge) you win the FITC pass. If you do not win there are no additional prizes other than our gratitude and thanks.
12. The winner must be the attendee to the conference. We will require your name, email and contact information. You will grant Stock Archive Inc. permission to forward your contact information FITC to reserve a pass under your name with Reference to Stock Archive Inc. You will pick up your pass at the event at the Registration booth.
If you are the winner, you are responsible for your own accommodation, transportation, food, meals, entertainment and actions at the event. Stock Archive Inc. will reserve your pass. The Winner alone is responsible for confirming his/her pass with FITC and will pick up the pass at registration during the event. You furthermore agree to release and hold harmless “Stock Archive Inc.” and “FlashinTO Inc. O/A FITC” from any liability before, during and after the event.
13. You agree and understand that this is not an FITC contest. This is a contest give away by Stock Archive Inc. as we have one pass left to hand out.
14. Judging will be based on what visual treatment. Nothing complex. If Masayo (our Judge) likes it best that is the one that wins. No Rocket science here.
15. You AGREE that Stock Archive Inc., reserves the right to not select a finalist or may terminate this contest for any reason at anytime with or without notice.
16. Deadline for submissions: Sunday April 19, 2008 at 11:59 PM EST.
17. The Winner will be announced on Monday April 20, 2009 on our blog.
18. The judge of this will be Masayo Shimizu of Stock Archive Inc. (The original illustrator of the artwork, as seen on page 72 of the www.Stock-Archive.com promo site).
19. By emailing any and all submissions to info@stock-archive.com you agree to these Terms and Conditions to this Contest.
We look forward to seeing what comes in. Good luck.