While it has only been a few days since you left on your journey back home to Japan, your presences is already missed here at Stock Archive and Victory Arts.
For those of you who think you don't know Masayo, there is a good chance you know her because of her amazing work. Masayo produced endless amounts of quality illustrations, photos and motion graphics for us here at www.Stock-Archive.com and www.victoryarts.com.
Masayo came to us from Algonquin college where she was graduating from the Graphic Design program. We got a call from the Graphic Design Coordinator one day before co-op started asking if we had room for one more student. We said yes and boy are we glad we did. Masayo proved to be a major asset to our illustration portion of the archive. Masayo has pumped out hundreds if not thousands of amazing illustrations for the archive, illustrations you for you to take advantage of each week on our free promotional site and our later once we launch. Each conference we've attended people would always stop and comment that the illustration was amazing! We agree it is amazing because Masayo is amazing! While we could ramble on all day about how amazing she is you should just visit her website at www.masayoshimizu.net,
As a thanks, we put a tribute video together for her. Stay gold Masayo! Magi Kakkoii!

Masayo thank you so much for everything! We hope you enjoy your video.