Thursday, September 24, 2009
A good cause: United Way Campaign 2009
Each year Stock-Archive and Victory Arts makes time to work with the United Way Ottawa, to produce their campaign video and photos. It is a good cause and we are proud to have helped for over 4 years now. This years theme is "reDISCOVER COMMUNITY. What do you want your community to be?" Think about the message, think about how you can help in your community. Every little bit helps and it is for a great cause. To find out more about the United Way Ottawa, and how to donate, you can visit them on their website
For production on this years video we tip our hats to Will Reid for his amazing direction and motion graphics magic. Masayo Shimizu and Ken Cooper for their amazing motion graphics and design contributions. The amazing audio score was composed and mixed at by David Burns and Wayne Bartlett. www.Bartmart Audio
To view the previous United Way Videos that Stock Archive / Victory Arts produced please visit our Victory Arts link on YouTube here. There are a whole pile of other portfolio videos we've produced there to get your juices flowing.
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Shameless promo,
Victory Arts