It is funny that images of flowers can still be so powerful. For years they have probably been the most common thing shot for stock and personal photos. Yet, somehow there are always new angles, perspectives and ideas that can be used with flowers. They seem to be timeless and can be used in any project in any type of business. It is a perfect natural beauty that will always bring a smile to your face. We are smiling from ear to ear with this weeks free images. If you like these, just wait until the launch! There are plenty more where these came from! We have flowers with every colour background available, in various locations from outdoors to households. We even have living flowers and dead flowers. Also for all the motion graphic users we have amazing HD time-lapse footage of flowers blooming.... which, we might upload as a sneak peek later next week that will knock your socks off. All in all we hope you enjoy all 28 free samples this week.
We now have over 2000 free promotional images available to pre-registered users. Once we launch we will have over 60,000 images, illustrations, motion, audio and flash elements to choose from. Our loyal pre-registered users will get amazing promotional offers once the site launches. To pre-register, go to www.Stock-Archive.com