Next week's free upload will be "Butterflies and beauties". The content should be up early next week (Week of July 6).
From time to time we get people requesting some images. We'd love to be able to get every request out to each of you, but time, (lack thereof) kinda stops that from happening. We do however from time to time randomly select from the list of member requests in order to help out as best we can. One recent request by one of our members was for Butterflies. It seemed rather urgent, so, we spent the weekend and gathered a variety of styles and formats for this person and hope these images will help with what they were looking for. We also think these will give you some great possibilities with your projects too! There are Vector images, Raster images, Raster images with clipping paths and some HD clips with butterflies.... so go nuts!
We now have over 2000 free promotional images available to pre-registered users. Once we launch we will have over 60,000 images, illustrations, motion, audio and flash elements to choose from. Our loyal pre-registered users will get amazing promotional offers once the site launches. To pre-register, go to www.Stock-Archive.com