YUP! We are dead meat alright. We know thousands of you are coming to get your free images this week and they are not up yet! Yikes.... I now know what it feels like to have a bulls-eye painted on your back.... So for that we are sorry. We do however have a great excuse... one that we think you will forgive us for. We have been so busy testing the site and getting the content ready for the launch that we didn't have time to get the Free content up for this week yet. Now, it is coming and should be up this week. You'll also be happy to know that even once we launch the Free site will still be there for you to get and use as part of our promotional campaign. When is the actual launch? Great question! We don't want to give an exact date but it is very soon. We are in the final testing stage and have about another 20,000 stock elements to prep.
Thanks for your patience... please check back at the end of the week for the Free images for this week.