Sorry for being late with the Free images! I bury my nose every day in my work. When I was younger (Age not disclosed), I worked about 14-16 hours every day including weekends. Now, I still pretty much work the same amount of hours but somehow am able to do three times the amount of work...( not that it is a good thing ) ... but I find it interesting how strong the human spirit can be when you are working on something you love to do. Things are different now as I have a little munchkin that I adore and am trying to spend as much time with her juggling two businesses at the same time, one that barely brings in enough money to live while the other (This one) funnels any, all and even borrowed money to build Stock Archive. Why we give stuff away for free is a very good question .... especially, when we are always on the brink of pure exhaustion. How do we do it? I honestly can't quite tell you but, my philosophy is to always work on something that gets you excited, working with what you've got, work with people who get your vision, have patience... lots of it.... and just when you feel like it is all going to fall apart, keep pulling on some good-old-fashioned "Human spirit" from others that can pull it all into focus. Seriously I'm dead tired! But it is interesting where you can pull energy or inspiration from. From family, a good friend and his son, a great neighbor, a special pet or even people you don't know who are willing to help you out. So, some how every week (For 79 weeks now) I somehow am able to find an extra two hours of energy to source, find and prep the free images for the developer to setup the page and upload the Free images for you all. I sincerely hope you all enjoy the images because that right now is the best reward I could ever ask for. I'm one tired papa.
Speaking of feeding off some "Human spirit"... I'm off to go play with my little kid for a while and tuck her into bed....And, then get back to work. The kid is cool and inspires me to push on. That good karma should give me at least another 4 hours till midnight and then I'll feed her again and we all can get some shuteye.
We now have over 2000 free promotional images available to pre-registered users. Once we launch we will have over 60,000 images, illustrations, motion, audio and flash elements to choose from. Our loyal pre-registered users will get amazing promotional offers once the site launches. To pre-register, go to