...and all we would like to say Merci beaucoup! With hundreds of new members from France it really makes us feel good that our content is attracting so many new people from various regions around the world ( 80 countries and territories so far!). The reason we single out France is that it is the third largest member base next to Canada and the United States.
Much of the traffic from France has been generated from a great designer blog/site. So, for all of our French speaking members from Canada and abroad, please check out this great designer blog www.all-for-design.com .
We also know that this connection to All-for-design.com, is somehow related to our exposure with the amazing netdiver.net designer blog which as been getting us much more international exposure than ever before. We highly recommend visiting www.netdiver.net every day. the content on this site is truly amazing and inspirational.
We certainly welcome any and all blog links. Please let people know about us. We are keen to build our members and continue to provide amazing free content until we launch this site.... which will happen within this year we promise. Also, the free images will remain even after we launch so no need to download everything. Also, upon site launch the searching capability will be active in the site.
Thanks again to all those who share the love and post blogs and links to us. It is sincerely appreciated!