Users can now register again! Our developer fixed the issue remotely from his vacation! Talk about service. So, if you tried to register and were not able to, try your username and password in the sign in. If it works, great! If not you'll have to re-register to get your username and password working. A small step for a huge amount of free stuff. If I may say so myself.... totally worth the 1 minute of time it takes to register.
Thanks again for your patience and understanding. Please enjoy the Free content.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Don't register... yet.
Hi to all the new an interested people looking to register (or to those who did over the weekend). We were doing some edits to the registration form and we just noticed that anyone who registered over the weekend may not have access. We will work on this over the next day or two and fix. We apologize to anyone who registered and were not able to gain access to the free images. We will post a message here in the blog to let you know when it is good to register again. Our developer is off for a few days so we are in limbo until he gets back. Please do come back to register as we know you'll love the FREE content we have to offer. If you choose not to we totally understand and apologize for this temporary block.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and support.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and support.
Site updates
Friday, August 28, 2009
Free Images: ABC-XYZ > "Do it yourself typesetting kit"

[ Images should be up by Monday. ]
The Free images for this week are to compliment the 1,2,3 to 28 images that we uploaded the other a few weeks back. We felt that we short changed the alphabet by not putting up any letters so we scribbled up some letters (Literally), took a shot of each one edited them and there you go. These edgy letters like to lean to the dark or carry some cruel intentions behind them do some thing cool with them. Digital Fonts are so old school. Typesetting is so hot... again. Did I just date myself?
We now have over 2000 free promotional images available to pre-registered users. Once we launch we will have over 60,000 images, illustrations, motion, audio and flash elements to choose from. Our loyal pre-registered users will get amazing promotional offers once the site launches. To pre-register, go to
Free images
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hero > Garry Tutte

When was at FITC in Toronto we bumped into our friend Garry that we worked with a few years back. After speaking with him he told us he was now directing and also doing motion graphics. So, meet Sir Garry Tutte! This guy is an amazing director / motion graphics expert. We love this guy and everything he does. From the last time we talked with him he said he prefers to work as an independent and collaborate with studios and other talented people. Garry is based out of Toronto (Since we last spoke). So, if you are looking to hire someone to come up with a unique angle on a project, direct it and even wrap it up with motion graphics then this is the guy you should to be talking with. Check out his reel/portfolio at his website
Our heroes
Friday, August 21, 2009
Free Images: Back to school... again

I say "again" because we had a great response from two weeks ago (PG 88 of the free graphics) that had a mix of requests, one of which was for "education/back to school" images. Well, it seems like people are still looking for back to school content so we figured we'd do up a special page just for all of you who requested and to those of you who were thinking it but never requested. Since school is almost near we decided to go more generic students so that it could work for school year round or for something else. Hope these help out and to all of you heading back to school. Sucks to be you.
The Free images should be up sometime this weekend or by Monday.
We now have over 2000 free promotional images available to pre-registered users. Once we launch we will have over 60,000 images, illustrations, motion, audio and flash elements to choose from. Our loyal pre-registered users will get amazing promotional offers once the site launches. To pre-register, go to
Free images
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
France is sharing and showing the love...

...and all we would like to say Merci beaucoup! With hundreds of new members from France it really makes us feel good that our content is attracting so many new people from various regions around the world ( 80 countries and territories so far!). The reason we single out France is that it is the third largest member base next to Canada and the United States.
Much of the traffic from France has been generated from a great designer blog/site. So, for all of our French speaking members from Canada and abroad, please check out this great designer blog .
We also know that this connection to, is somehow related to our exposure with the amazing designer blog which as been getting us much more international exposure than ever before. We highly recommend visiting every day. the content on this site is truly amazing and inspirational.
We certainly welcome any and all blog links. Please let people know about us. We are keen to build our members and continue to provide amazing free content until we launch this site.... which will happen within this year we promise. Also, the free images will remain even after we launch so no need to download everything. Also, upon site launch the searching capability will be active in the site.
Thanks again to all those who share the love and post blogs and links to us. It is sincerely appreciated!
Big fans of...,
featured in...,
Shameless promo
Friday, August 14, 2009
Free Images: You can count on us.

Don't worry we've got your number. But, we only have 24 for this week for free. The rest will be available after launch. We've actually got up to 100 of these numbers. While I was at the How Conference in Austin Texas... while everyone else was on lunch break I went out into the crazy heat wave and went to an empty parking lot and took 100 captures of these numbers. I hope you enjoy and appreciate the blood, sweat and tears that went into these slick numbers. I almost passed out from the heat.
We now have over 2000 free promotional images available to pre-registered users. Once we launch we will have over 60,000 images, illustrations, motion, audio and flash elements to choose from. Our loyal pre-registered users will get amazing promotional offers once the site launches. To pre-register, go to
Free images
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Free Images: A request mix

We had a few different requests last week so here are some items that we hope can help out.
One request was for an image of a senior having fun and playing games. We've provided a few angles and even a senior dog that might work with your theme. Some fitness "in studio" were also requested as well as some some education shots. I hope these images find their way into a solution to your projects. Enjoy this weeks free images. They should be posted by Monday.
We now have over 2000 free promotional images available to pre-registered users. Once we launch we will have over 60,000 images, illustrations, motion, audio and flash elements to choose from. Our loyal pre-registered users will get amazing promotional offers once the site launches. To pre-register, go to
Free images
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