Stock Archive Inc. was interviewed by
Design Edge Canada on our site launch. It was nice to be noticed especially after all the hard work put into the building and editing of the content and getting the website ready for launch. We sincerely appreciate everybody who worked with us get the site up and content. There is still plenty of work to do yet before we are officially rolling, but for now, we would like to thank the internal team and countless volunteers, interns and contractors that helped make it all possible over that past few years. Will Reid, Masayo Shimizu, Anton Sop, Alex Gilles, Kenn Taylor, Madoka Nemoto, Abishek Chander Gupta,Tara Torossain, Andrew Robb, Remie Geoffroi, Ricky Miller, Bryan Parnell, Steven Coffin, Chris Scrivens, Hina Muhul, Quy Louong, Elena Bowell, Andrew Cook, Megahn Stuart, Jessica Daly, Melenie Provencier, Caroline Or, Lyndsey Page, Kyle Skinner, Akshay Sharma, Priyanka Singh, Sahil Khanna, Steve Capyk, Joulian Tavalloli, Zach Flaman, Roland Markwart, and any others we may have missed naming. Thank you.